Secretary's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to Indian College of Cardiology.

This esteemed superspeciality association was founded by late professor K.S.Shadaksharappa in the year 1994 with its head quarters at Bangalore. Since then it is growing steadily in membership and spreading its objectives across the country and abroad. Annual elections are held in the months of May-June. ICC website provides the details.

The official Journal of Indian College of Cardiology (JICC) is being published quarterly with Dr.V. Dayasagar Rao as its Honorary Editor. The aims and scope of the journal are:

  • To bring all the specialties and workers in cardiovascular medicine under one umbrella.
  • To promote exchange of views and experience among the specialties in the cardiovascular field.

I appeal to all the members to enroll new members, organize meetings / CMEs under the banner of ICC and to submit articles to the Journal of Indian College of Cardiology for publication.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Dr. C. M. Nagesh
Hon. Secretary
Indian College of Cardiology