Rules and By Laws


In addition, governing council at its discretion may co-opt not more than two persons from among the members of the college who would represent subspecialty unrepresented in the governing council. Invite and co-opted members have no voting power in the governing council.

Credential Committee

There shall be a Credential committee of the college coming into force from April 1995, consisting of three members. Credential Committee will be nominated by the Governing Council once a year at its first meeting. The Governing Council will also nominate a chairman for Credential committee simultaneously. Credential Committee members must be a founder member / life members of the college and shall have atleast five years standing (by 2000 AD). Hon. Secretary of the college is the ex-officio convener of the Credential Committee.

Duties of the Credential Committee

To invite and scrutinize proposal for the award of fellowship of the college (from January 1996), to scrutinize and recommend the nomination for membership of the college. To screen and recommend candidates for sponsoring training programme and research activities. All recommendations of the Credential Committee should be placed before the Governing Council shall make the Governing Council, which is empowered with the authority to the credential list.

Election of Governing Council

  • Election will be held in the year1996. From 1996, members whose name appears on 31st December of each year are eligible to vote (persons having valid membership). When the General Body adopts the constitution of the Indian College of Cardiology, the Hon. Gen. Secretary will initiate election processes calling for nomination etc. for 1996-97.
  • The tenure of the president, Vice-president and G.C. Members is one year, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Joint Secretary, Treasurer and Hon. Assistant Secretary is for three years (co-opted by the president if he is from outside the Headquarters) and Governing Council member will be for one year.
  • No member can contest and continue as member of Governing Council for more than two consecutive years.
  • Eligibility President, Vice-president, Hon-Secretary, Hon. Joint Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Assistant Secretary (co-opted by the president if the president is outside the Headquarters and Governing Council Members).

Must have been a founder/life member and a member of the Governing Council for one term (after 2000 AD)
Must be continuous members of college for five years from 2000 AD.

  • Election Procedure

On 1st January of every year from 1996, Hon. General Secretary will invite nominations from among all the members of all college. Nominations duly proposed by a valid member and seconded by valid member and accompanied by candidates consent and bio-data not exceeding 200 words should reach the Hon. General Secretary by 25th January. A non-refundable deposit of Rs 500/- should be sent by DD by the contesting candidates towards the incidental expenditure (printing bio-datas). The Hon. General Secretary will inform the contesting candidates with valid nominations on 1st Feb. and if any contesting candidate wishes to withdraw, he or she can do so by informing the Hon. Secretary in writing by 1st March On 10th March, the Hon. Secretary will send by post (under certificate of post) a lit of candidates for balloting, if the number of nominations exceed the number of vacancies in each category. The ballot paper shall bear the signature of the Hon. General Secretary and Chairman or one of the member of the election committee appointed by the Governing Council.

A copy of the bio-datas of each contesting candidates and prepaid postal envelop with two small envelopes marked A and B and instructions with regard to voting will be posted to all member along with the ballot papers.

All Ballot papers will be returned to the I.C.C Head Quarters by 10th April by post only. No hand collection ballot paper. No canvassing in any form is allowed. Members have to vote for the required number of posts called for not more or less in which case the ballot paper will be invalid. If any of the above dates is a postal or Government Holiday, the next working day shall be considered as working day.

The Ballot paper shall be scrutinized and counted by election committee and the results shall be declared be its Chairman and the same is placed before the following governing council meeting which shall ordinarily be held before the conference in April. Member of the college whose name appears on 31st December forms the electorate for the election for that year.

No person shall hold membership/office of the Governing Council and election committee simultaneously.

In the event of the vacancy arising out of an uncontested election, the same shall be filled up in the annual general body meeting of the college after inviting nominations. Members holding elected positions in Governing Council and Credential committee may resign by written request to the President/Hon. General Secretary. The resignation shall become effective from the date of acceptance by governing council. President will not seek re-election.


  • Duties of President
  • Shall preside and conduct all the meeting of Governing Council and the college. Shall interpret and phold constitution of the college.

  • Duties of Vice Presidents
  • According to seniority shall preside in the absence of the president of the college and conduct the Proceedings.

  • President elect
  • will be the chairman scientific committee for the Annual conference.

  • Seniority of Vice President
  • The number of votes polled if the number of votes are equal, length and of period of membership will determine the seniority determines seniority of Vice President. If the number of years of membership is equal, the age of the elected Vice-president will be the criteria for seniority.

  • Duties of Hon. General Secretary
  • Hon. General Secretary is an overall in charge of the office of the college and he is the chief Executive of the college, The Hon. Secretary can draw the money for running the day-to-day work of the office. He is responsible for correspondence. Preparing reports, maintaining minutes of the meetings, sending notices to the meeting, implementing policy matters of the Council and the association and assisting the president in conducting the meeting of Governing Council and the college. He can accept the application for Membership of the college of those who has D.M (Cardiology) & DNB, MCH (Cardiothoracie Surgery) pending approved by the Credential Committee.

  • Duties of Hon. Joint Secretary
  • Will assist the Hon. General Secretary and do the job of the Hon. General Secretary in his (Hon. Secretary) absence.

  • Duties of Treasurer
  • Maintain accounts of the finances of the college and prepare budget to the Governing Council and General Body of the college.

Funds & Bank Accounts

  • To raise funds to fulfill and carry on the objective of the college and invest the money as applicable to the land and as determined by the Governing Council.
  • To purchase, acquire, sell or dispose off movable and immovable properties and to accept donations and gifts.
  • Excess funds of the college will be invested profitably, Bank accounts will be jointly operated by any two of the following persons

Hon. Secretary of the college

Financial Year

From 1st of April to 31st March of subsequent year will be the financial year of the college. Treasurer will place the audited accounts of the year at the Annual General Body Meeting scheduled to be held at the time of annual conference.

Govrning Council Meetings

There will be three Governing Council Meetings in an year, one proceeding the Annual General Body Meeting and the other following Annual General Body Meeting. Another meeting should be held in the month of October every tea, seven members from the quorum. Extraordinary Governing Council meeting may be held at the discretion of the President and/or by a request from 3 / 4 of the member of Governing Council.

Govrning Council Meetings

There will be three Governing Council Meetings in an year, one proceeding the Annual General Body Meeting and the other following Annual General Body Meeting. Another meeting should be held in the month of October every tea, seven members from the quorum. Extraordinary Governing Council meeting may be held at the discretion of the President and/or by a request from 3 / 4 of the member of Governing Council.


The Governing Council can appoint committee like Credential Committee, Election Committee, Research and Constitutional Amendment, Editor of the Journal and disciplinary committee etc.


  • Life Membership Doctors with DM - Cardiology, Mch-Cardiothoracic Surgery or its equivalent examinations like DNB are eligible to become Life Members.
  • Assoicate Membership Doctors with MD-Medicine/MRCP/MD-Pathology/MD/Interventional Radiology/Anaesthiology/Biochemistry/MD-Physiology/MD-Pharmacology/MD Preventive Medicine after 10 years of acquiring the postgraduate degree can become associate members with the supportive documents.
    Practicing more than 50% in Cardiology, working as academicians (Teachers) in Cardiology Institutes, having published scientific articles related to cardiovascular science in National or International Journals.
    Associate members will not have voting rights and will also not be eligible for office bearer post.
    Associate members can be offered Life membership of the Associate after completion of five years as associate members with active participation in I.C.C conference by presenting scientific papers and at least having published two articles in Journals (subject to approval of credential committee).
    Fee for Life Membership / Associate Membership is Rs. 5,000/- (from the year 2013-14 onwards)

Election Disputes

Aggrieved Candidate / party can approach the governing council of the college and ask for a arbitrators. Three preceding past president from the team of arbitrators. The decision of the arbitrators is binding on both the parties. The applicant will bear the expenses of the arbitrators including TA and DA. Once the arbitrators are appointed, they continue to hole the office till the dispute is settled.

General Body

There will be an annual general body meeting of the college coinciding with the Annual Conference of the college in April. The Hon. General Secretary will send the notice mentioning the time, date and venue of general body and agenda, three weeks in advance to all the eligible members of the college. Members whose name appears in the registry of the college as on 1st January are the eligible members. Minimum of 15% of the total membership form the quorum. In the absence of quorum, the president will adjourn the meeting. The adjourned meeting will meet on the same place after 10 minutes does not need a quorum. President in his absence, Vice-president as per seniority will preside over the General Body. In the absence of president and vice-president, members choose one person among themselves to preside over the particular meeting. The Treasurer will present to the General Body the audited accounts of the college and budget proposal for the next year and obtain the consent of the General Body. Hon. General Secretary will place the annual report before the General Body.

Extraordinary General Body

An extraordinary General Body may be called by the Hon. General Secretary in consultation with the President or by 1/3 of the total number of member, through a written request to Hon. General Secretary and on specific agenda. Three weeks notice is to be given to the members and only the agenda mentioned in the notice will be discussed in the extraordinary general body meeting. No TA and DA will be given to the members attending Extraordinary General Body meeting.

Amendements of Constitution

Notification has to be sent to Hon. General Secretary 8 weeks before the special General Body Meeting and the Secretary circulates to the members three weeks before the annual general body meeting. Amendments if any comes to its effect after minutes are adopted in the special General Body.